Lele Pons net worth, income and estimated earnings of Youtuber channel

June 2024 ยท 1 minute read

What Lele Pons does for living?

Lele Pons is YouTuber, Internet celebrity, singer, actress.

Where was Lele Pons born?

Caracas, Venezuela is birth place of Lele Pons.

What is Lele Pons's zodiac?

Zodiac sign of Lele Pons is Cancer.

What is the monthly income of Lele Pons?

Lele Pons makes approximately $ 11.7K per month.

How many video views does Lele Pons have?

Lele Pons has 5,410,985,903 video views on youtube.

How old is Lele Pons?

Lele Pons is 27 years old.

When Lele Pons started youtube?

Lele Pons started youtube in 2015-09-19.

How many subscribers does Lele Pons have?

Lele Pons has 18,000,000 subs.

What is Lele Pons's net worth?

$ 6.56M is approximately net worth of Lele Pons.

What is birth name of Lele Pons?

Birth name of Lele Pons is Eleonora Pons Maronese.

When is Lele Pons's birthday?

Lele Pons was born in 1996-06-25.

How many uploads on youtube Lele Pons has?

Lele Pons uploaded 185 videos on youtube.

How much does Lele Pons make per 1000 views?

Lele Pons makes approximately $ 1.21 per 1000 views.
