Seth Rollins gets honest about retirement

June 2024 · 4 minute read

The current World Heavyweight Champion, Seth Rollins, recently spoke about plans for in-ring retirement.

The Visionary has been the world champion since Night of Champion 2023 after defeating AJ Styles. Triple H personally came to the ring and crowned him a brand new champion in front of the WWE Universe in Saudi Arabia.

Since then, the 37-year-old star has successfully defended his title against several stars, including Bron Breakker, Finn Balor, and Shinsuke Nakamura. During his feud with The King of Strong Style, it was revealed that Rollins has been suffering from back issues for quite some time now, and that was woven into the storyline, promos, and their matches.

In an interview with Josh Scherer of Mythical Kitchen's Last Meal show, the champion spoke about hanging his wrestling boots as he was asked about his ongoing back issue. The Visionary shared that he does not intend to step away from the ring anytime soon because he is having a lot of fun.

"I don’t intend on stopping any time soon. Like I said, I’m still in that window. The business is hot, I’m having a lot of fun. So I don’t know. I don’t see it any time in the immediate future. Let’s just say that," Seth Rollins said. [H/T: POST Wrestling]

Check out the full video below:

Seth Rollins will defend his title at WWE Crown Jewel 2023

Rollins has put his World Heavyweight Championship on the line against Drew McIntyre for Crown Jewel on November 4, 2023.

The rivalry between the champion and McIntyre started on Monday Night RAW a few weeks ago when the latter seemingly hinted at the heel turn.

The Judgment Day's Rhea Ripley has lured both men to join the faction. However, Rollins has straight up denied the offer.

With The Judgment Day's offer being on hold, it remains to be seen if The Scottish Warrior will seek any help from Ripley ahead of his match at Crown Jewel.

What did you think of Seth Rollins' comment about his in-ring retirement? Sound off in the comments section below.

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